Level up with Lyss

Don’t give up. Past you would be proud. Future you will look back and thank you.

Don’t hold on to dead weight. Sometimes people need to see the light you shine in order to make them want to be better.

No matter how much you want, you will never change someone. You can love them from a safe distance, but it’s okay to set up that boundary, and wish nothing but the best for them.

You can’t fill other’s cups without first filling yours.

It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.

Grocery shop. Trust me, it’s cheaper.

Budget! Visit MoneyWiseMom on YouTube.

Find something to believe in. Science, God, the Universe. Just something to give you hope.

Exercise. Please. It helps. I went from chronic pain to no pain when I started weightlifting.

When lifting, the word “heavy” is subjective.

Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, or last week, or last year. But never to another person.

When validating someone’s feelings, don’t tell them you understand how they feel. Everyone feels things differently, even if you go through the same experience, you don’t experience it through their eyes, or their heart. Let them know they’re heard, and that you’re there to listen.

When a friend vents to me, I try to take a minute to ask them what they want from me. Advice, a listening ear, or something else. Usually, it’s a listening ear.

Listening is more important than speaking.

Enjoy the silence.

Get outside more.

Cherish the little things.

If something is still bothering you 24 hours later, it’s time to address it. Rip the band aid off. You’ll be better off in the long run.

If work offers safety training (fire extinguisher, first aid, CPR, etc.) take it. You never know when you might need it.

Automatically put 10% of your check into savings.

Believers: give 10% of your check to your church. God woke you up and allowed you to work. You will end, but His word will never end. That 10% will go towards making more disciples, and/or helping fellow brothers and sisters out. You won’t miss it. And if you give with a happy heart, He will bless you. Trust me.

Don’t trust strangers on the internet. (see what I did there.)

Ladies, if you travel alone, keep your head on a swivel. Never wear your hair in a ponytail. Keep your bag close to you. But if someone “asks” for your bag, it doesn’t cost more than your life.

Never stop reading. It keeps you sharp.

Don’t listen to everything I say. Take what I have to say into consideration, but ultimately, you need to live your own life. I just hope that I equip you with some useful tools. And self-love.

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