Desert Time

I have had no ideas for a post in 2 weeks, and I have also not been able to feel the Holy Spirit in 2 weeks. These posts are not from me, they are the Spirit flowing through me to give these testimonies. And I have been in the desert these last 2 weeks. And although I’ve been feeling discouraged because I have been craving His Spirit, I never gave up. I prayed, and I waited, and I worshipped. But I was so lost. Today at one of my churches, my pastor this morning said to remember who He is. Remember the God we serve and remember how He has always been faithful. God doesn’t change. He is the same as He has always been, and He always will be. The Israelites were in the desert for 40 years before they were delivered to the promised land. I can wait 2 weeks. You may have 30 different enemies stacked against you but none of them can prevail against an almighty God who created the universe. There is no problem too big or too small for Him to handle. My pastor this morning spoke of the story in 2 Chronicles chapter 20. King Jehoshaphat had three kingdoms surrounding him, and rather than turning to other people he turned to God. I have seen firsthand what solely turning to God in times of crisis, rather than turning to another person, can do. Another person will add input to your situation, without even fully knowing what you did or what you sacrificed to get to where you’re at. But God does. 1 Peter 5:7 says to “cast all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” If you need advice, if you’re unsure of the situation you’re in, consult God. Even if you’re stuck in the desert, consult your Heavenly Father. Cry out to Him, give Him your frustrations and anxiety and doubt. You may not feel His presence, but He does not turn His eyes from you. He knew you before you were born and called you by name. You think He’s just going to turn away from you? It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. What matters is your heart. If you can change your heart posture, God can see that, and He will bless you.

Even Jesus during His ministry on Earth went in solitude to pray. But our very own Savior was in the desert where even He was tempted by the devil. None of us are called to an easy life when we choose to follow God, but our lives are fruitful and beautiful because we get to see the fruits of God’s goodness. Even if you weren’t a follower of Christ, you would still go through hardships, but at least Jesus shows us how to be compassionate, patient, and disciplined during tough seasons. We will all have tough seasons in life, you just have to dig deep and cultivate a steadfast faith and never stop seeking God. In these seasons where we cannot feel God, He is testing our faith. These desert moments are where you can show God that you won’t give in to the temptations of the world. Don’t get discouraged and distracted by this world. Remember that as a child of God, we seek first the Kingdom. Our lives on Earth are temporary, and yes, the pleasure in the moment can feel good, but it is so fleeting. When you are so close to God, even during your desert seasons, which you will have, won’t be so bad because you will remember God’s goodness and faithfulness, and you won’t want to fall back into your sin anymore. God is more than enough. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to suffer and die on a cross. That should not be taken lightly. We may not know His motives all of the time, but He is still God and His plan for our lives doesn’t have to be known at every step. Faith is about trusting God, and being a disciple is about following His will, not our own. Embrace the desert. Keep on keepin’ on and trust that God will not let you down. Pray. Wait. Praise.

With light and love, Lyss


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