What a God

How is it that a merciful, all-powerful, holy God love sinners such as us? I have thought that and doubted the reason. Once you have a doubt, or a thought like this, where you feel you are unworthy of God’s love, or that you’ll never do or be enough good to earn His love, remind yourself of the truth. That God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us. Fully knowing that we are unholy sinners never worthy of such a love. But as our Creator, He sees us for what He made us to be, which is in His image. He carefully, hand-stitched every one of us in our mother’s womb and called us by name and knew us before we were us. So don’t ever doubt His love for you, and don’t question His love. If you’ve ever made something, you probably loved it, loved it even more if you spent careful time on it probably. And that still doesn’t compare to His love for us. Now take whatever you made and sacrifice it for someone who doesn’t like you or doesn’t even know you. Do you see it?

            When you think negatively or doubt God’s love for us, you crack the door for the enemy to swing that door wide open. Remind yourself of the truth. Read God’s word. Memorize Scripture so that you can be equipped to withstand the attacks from the enemy.  Pray, and speak with your Father. Reflect on the season or the challenge. Is it the enemy? Is it your heavenly Father discipling you? (Because parents do that. Good ones.) Think about what you’re going through and pray. Have that conversation with Him whether you’re lost, scared, happy. Just come to Him. One thing I’ve really learned is that God can handle you at any phase or moment you have in life. He made you exactly how you are so He can handle it. When I’m having my angry toddler melt downs, He knows exactly what to do. But it’s a relationship and you have to do your part to come when you have something you need to share. Just like how your partner, friends, or family may know something is wrong with you but they never ask, or they wait to tell you but they always make themselves available to you? Hm, doesn’t that sound like…God? Don’t you think maybe He sends those people to use when we don’t want to talk to Him? He sends someone to intercede and check in on us. Crazy. It’s almost like He really cares.

            I understand that depending on the love you received and were a witness to growing up, you may find this difficult and all too surreal. And it absolutely is completely surreal and supernatural, but there’s no need to run. God’s love is not conditional the way human love is. God’s love is eternal. Everlasting. He is always willing and ready and overjoyed to accept you however many times you fall. It’s like teaching a baby how to walk. They fall so much, but (especially if you made them) they’re so cute, and you’re excited for them that you just cheer and clap and welcome them with open arms every time. We don’t deserve it, and we could never earn it, but it is a love that is supernatural, holy, everlasting, and it fills you with a peace unlike anything. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us so much you would die for us. And thank you Father, for creating us and sending your Son to die for our sins. Holy Spirit, thank you for being our helper and our friend, and by connecting us to the Father and the Son.

With light and love, Lyss


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